Based on HS (High Speed/ High resolution) technology
Designed for High and Ultra High Torque Capacity- For all types of Torsion application testing. Including: o Torsion Spring Testing o Arc Spring Testing o Torsion Bar Testing o Clock Spring testing o Valve Testing-pneumatic double acting and single acting valve actuator
Servo Driven
Programmable and PC Controlled
Supplied with PC and user interface.
Includes Full software suite packed with Spring Testing features,
veloped specifically for the spring industry
Unlimited Rotation
Incorporating Torquecells designed for minimum bending effects
Designed for Dual or Multiple interchangeable Torquecells
Allows for Global or Relative Testing
Includes Pin Diameter Calculation (For fixturing)
Includes “FATIGUE TESTING” software package
Includes Full Safety Features satisfying International Safety Standards.(Safety Door Interlock and Emergency Stops)
Supplied with NIST Traceable Calibration
Self Calibration Module allowing for the use of any preferred Calibration Facility